Riccardo Peggi: Experience from Coast to Coast
Last May, I had the opportunity to join Wilton Consulting Group (WCG) from Halifax, Nova Scotia and open what we jokingly refer to as the Atlantic Chapter of WCG. Of course, I consider myself truly fortunate to benefit from the flexible work environment made necessary by the past year.
I initially started at WCG part-time as I completed a Master in Planning degree from Dalhousie University. Now that I’ve completed the program, I look forward to a full time schedule with the team this summer.
Now is a good time to reintroduce myself.
This is my first experience in consulting, but not my first in the agri-food space. While completing a geography degree at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC I gained experience in grassroots economic development through a co-op at the Coquitlam Farmers Market. Upon graduating, I put my degree and experience to work as a Land Use Planner with the BC Agricultural Land Commission as a Land Use Planner, overseeing land use in BC’s Agricultural Land Reserve. In over three years at the ALC, I worked in almost every region of the province and came to understand the diversity and complexity of agricultural and rural land use governance.
At WCG, I have been able to use my experience across geographies, disciplines, and sectors on projects like The Road to 2051: An Agricultural Trends Study for Planning Policy in Caledon, A Vibrant Future: Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Action Plan, and A Toolkit for Planning and Developing Your Agritourism Business in Simcoe County. Something I have really enjoyed about entering the consulting world with WCG is the diversity of projects that I get to work on, even within one day. With my geography background, I find it particularly fun to learn about so many different places through projects across the country. This was evident while I supported with completing over 120 interviews for the Canadian Agricultural Sustainability Initiative. Sitting in my Halifax apartment, I was whisked across Canada to hear perspectives from diverse stakeholders in BC, Manitoba, Yukon, Newfoundland, and Ontario!
I have already learned so much from the Team at WCG – from how to go the extra mile for a client, to expert group facilitation, to project coordination in the online world – and I am eager to continuously learn and develop as a young professional.
To all the clients I have had the pleasure working with so far, thank you! And to new clients, I look forward to working with you too!
Nova Scotia is a fantastic place to study and work in. I look forward to finding great projects in this wonderful province and back home in BC.